Monday, May 11, 2009

My Youth (The First in a Series)

Flashback time.  Old Nickelodeon.  Classic.


Salut Your Shorts

Aaaand a clip from my personal favorite, Fifteen.  Note how none of the characters have last names.  Now that's classy.


Unknown said...

I LOVED the show 15. I even wrote it a theme song on my Casio. My sister Erin stills makes fun of me for making an "Ashley" face when I look at myslef in the mirror...I'll have to show you that one this summer and you can tell me what you think.

Roux said...

YES! Clarissa and salute your shorts! I was just talking about Salute Your Shorts with someone the other day. Sang the whole theme song.

Sadly I have never heard of the show 15. I know. My poor ignorant soul.